i wanna go for ss3 so badly (cos big bang will never come so this is the closest i can get to seeing ANY of my biases) and i am reading fan accounts which make me dread the whole experience more and more. it's like, sick fun because i know i will lose my mind like every other fan girl behind those fancams whom i find absolutely annoying. i know i will just end up squealing like them and then find myself annoying after i view my very own fancam. well besides that, point is, after you step out of the concert venue, you know everything will go back to normal but things will never be the same again. and i have been to many concerts like fob/mraz, twice even/ jang geun suk, well i guess you can catergorize that as a "concert"/ st vincent/ some other unimportant ones i probably forgot AND THING IS i don't have fob/mraz fandoms. eunhyuk is like, on a different level. and i don't wanna leave the concert venue feeling like a wreck. cos if i had withdrawal for fob and mraz, this will be like 38472324 times worse? maybe not worse but a completely different negative feeling.

fandom sucks.