i have no fucking idea why but i'm so tired i'm not even taking interest in eunhyuk esp now when his abs@qingdao are like, hotter than EVER wtfwtfwtfwtf is wrong with meeeeeeeeeeeeee

i have this whole lotta space in my head that is just filled with n.o.t.h.i.n.g. when it's usually filled with eggcitement for eunhyuk lol what.
i need to sleep soon. hair appointment tomorrow i should dye also. maybe try new liese bubble colour sian. anddddddddddd maybe i should treasure this last week of freedom (really, dorm life scared the shit outta me like, i'm never gonna be able to roam tampines mall freely anymore thinking what sushi to buy because it's just gonna be adm hall adm hall adm hall and hall being the tiny room cos gwen and i didn't make any friends? :/) so maybe i should go starbucks and do nothing again. before i REALLY REALLY have no chance to do it anymore. zzz. jurong. freaky little village with teen-dults.