i realised i always end up buying pens that are green/teal/pink and it is completely unintentional. i never realised that previous colours i bought are all so similar. the whitish looking one is actually pale pink, really pretty.

my braces are also almost ALWAYS teal/lavender. (ok obviously i'm not gonna post a close up picture of the colour of my braces cos that's just gross) idk, i just feel those are the most complimentary colours, ok teal's not exactly the most complimentary. teal is just loud but i love it and people actually notice me for my teal braces. like random people on the streets. i know right! freaky to know they were staring at my mouth most if the time. there was this time i was shopping in art friend and this caucasian lady asked me what perfume i was using. i was like, dude you mean you were smelling me the whole time?!?!?!? in my head of course. so yes, i subconsciously like these colours. the only other colours i've tried on my braces are...red and...i think that's all. so unadventurous ): wanna try also cannot already cos i'm taking out soon ):/ (: always want her to put multi colour but i'm too paiseh.
maybe i should like yellow more.
jewel boy likes yellow.

that ends my post about the most mundane thing ever. yey.